Our Policies

United True Aussie Party

Freedom of Speech

The number one most important factor that takes up democracy is Freedom of Speech. Correct Australia does technically have Freedom of Speech, but it is not protected by our constitution, so it is pretty much just there for the government to make us believe we have a right to share our opinion. In reality, they get to cancel, punish, fine and even arrest you if you say something they don't like. We believe Freedom of Speech is for everyone, even if you have a different view to us, we will fight for your right to speak and share your own belief without a punishment.

United True Aussie Party

Protecting our children

We and many Australians find it unnecessary to have books about hormone blockers and changing genders to young children learning the alphabet. It is a brainwashing system forcing unhealthy beliefs to our children. It is in the early ages, so it is best for us to ban it from all schools before society runs out of time.

United True Aussie Party

Laws on behalf of the people.

The entire current Parliament is full of unwanted clowns proposing the most unnecessary laws that little to none of the Australian people actually want. The under 16s social media ban was the most out of pocket and stupidest bill that has passed in 2024, we the taxpayer fund these people and are paying them to do exactly what we don't want. We will introduce bills, laws and changes on behalf on the Australian people, contact us as we are open to as many new laws that the people want.

Contact your preferred law

United True Aussie Party

Death Penalty

The UTA Party will introduce the Death Penalty to Australia and will take effect on major crimes committed by ALL people, immigrants, citizens, tourists you name it. These are the worst of crimes that shouldn't even exist in humanity. Rape, Premeditated murder (especially involving aggravating factors), Large scale Drug Trafficking and any act of terrorism. (Innocent until proven guilty and if proven self-defense no death penalty will apply).

United True Aussie Party

Immigration Control

If you are an immigrant into Australia and you commit any serious major crime (Murder, rape etc.) you will be sentenced to death and your family (Parents and siblings) will be deported out of our country with NO exceptions. Illegal immigrants will also be immediately deported during the time I am Prime Minister. They are costing us the taxpayers more than what should be required. I will ensure they WILL be deported.

United True Aussie Party

Restoring Christianity

Australia is trying to recognise Sharia law. Sorry to break it to you but Australia is NOT a Muslim country. We are more Christian and while in power we will ensure Bibles will be available in ALL public schools and we will endorse instant deportation to any Muslim that has broken any major law. We also will NOT force Christianity on people your religion choice is your right but we will make it widespread and very available for all Australians.

United True Aussie Party

Keeping Australia Day and Flag

Australia Day has been and always will be January 26th. This argument will be over, and it will be in our constitution to protect the one day we get to celebrate or country. The flag will stay the same iconic Southern Cross and Union Jack as it represents us as Australians and is very recognizable to other countries and to all people.

United True Aussie Party

Prioritising Allies

At the moment the United States and our alliance is slipping thanks to our leaders, lack of responsibility about this crucial ally. We all know now Donald Trump is the President of USA, but our alliance is being shaken from Albanese as he has said, and I quote "He scares the sh*t out of me." when he was asked about his opinion of Trump in an interview. Our relationship with Trump and the US will be the strongest it's ever been ensuring safety among all citizens.

United True Aussie Party

Make Australia Cheap Again

The average groceries spent to sustain a family is around $300-$500, Australians can't afford that it's ridiculous. The worst part is, neither Liberal nor Labor is recognizing these issues. UTA will lower gas prices by fracking and ensure inflation goes down to provide an affordable Australia.

United True Aussie Party

One flag one country

It’s not only me that feels like a tourist in my own country. 10,000 Indians a week enter Australian borders. A week. We are about to get taken over. Multiculturalism is NOT a good thing AT ALL. No I’m not racist, I’m raising a factual issue that we will be overrun by foreigners if we don’t act now. Australia will always be Australia and that’s it. Will will ensure less migration from countries like India and limit it to just tourism. If things get out of hand, mass deportation plans will occur. Keep fighting Australia, or we will become an indian country.

United True Aussie Party

Australian Immigration ACT Reborn

Australia now clear as day being completely overrun. Back in 1901, British were afraid of mass immigration becoming uncontrollable. So, they introduced the Australian Immigration ACT to prevent that from becoming reality. Unfortunately, their nightmare has become very real. WW1 Veterans didn't fight for Australia to have 50 multicultural flags waving in the country they died for. This is a necessary requirement to step our way back to saving Australia!